Determining the process efficiency index by nonparametric predictive inference method and investigating it in fuzzy environment

Document Type : Original Article


This paper presents a novel statistical approach to process capability index. With this
end in view, we present a nonparametric predictive approach to process capability index.
Attention is restricted to the approach to process capability index for discrete processes.
This approach is a statistical method based on fewer assumptions about probability dis-
tributions, together with inferences based on factual data. The nonparametric predictive
approach assumes exchangeability of random variables, both related to observed data and
future observations, and uncertainty is quantified through using interval probabilities. Fi-
nally, process capability indexes that are introduced in this study, are analyzed under the
fuzzy environment.
This paper presents a novel statistical approach to process capability index. With this
end in view, we present a nonparametric predictive approach to process capability index.
Attention is restricted to the approach to process capability index for discrete processes.
This approach is a statistical method based on fewer assumptions about probability dis-
tributions, together with inferences based on factual data. The nonparametric predictive
approach assumes exchangeability of random variables, both related to observed data and
future observations, and uncertainty is quantified through using interval probabilities. Fi-
nally, process capability indexes that are introduced in this study, are analyzed under the
fuzzy environment.


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